How Much Income That You Get When Joining With The Program PTR, PTC or existing on this Blog ?
I answered, Unlimited, all depends on ourselves, but as a reference, let's calculate a little calculating our income.
For each click on average, will require a duration of time to display ads for 20-40 seconds / ad.
If we take an average of 30 seconds / ad, then the time we spend is 30 seconds x 7 ad = 210 seconds / website.
For each click on average, will require a duration of time to display ads for 20-40 seconds / ad.
If we take an average of 30 seconds / ad, then the time we spend is 30 seconds x 7 ad = 210 seconds / website.
And we signed up on 30 websites, we mean as many as 210 ad clicks your ad and we spent 210 seconds X 30 websites = 6300 seconds (1 hour 45 minutes) / day.
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